Article I – Name
This organization shall be known as the Dearborn Federation of School Employees AFT Local 4750.
Article II – Principal Location
The principal location of the office and headquarters of the Union shall be located within the school district boundary, the County of Wayne, and the State of Michigan.
Article III – Objectives
The objective of the Union shall be to effectively organize all workers eligible for membership and to secure improved wages, hours, working conditions and other advantages through organization, negotiations, and collective bargaining, for the advancement of our standing in the community and in the labor movement through economic means and other lawful methods.
To maintain and protect the interests of all members of this organization regardless of sex, race, creed, national origin, or political affiliations.
To provide educational advancement and training for members and for officers to the extent that they be for the betterment and interest of the Union.
To safeguard, advance and promote collective bargaining, the rights of workers, and the security and welfare of all members by political, educational, and other community activities.
To promote sound public relations.
To give the best possible service to our members.
To achieve through our close association a strong bond of fraternity and understanding among the members of the Union to the end that our membership may benefit, the Union grows stronger and increase in status and prestige.
To engage in activities which will advance the interest of the Union and its membership.
To receive, manage, invest, extend, or otherwise use the funds of the Union to carry out the duties and to achieve the objectives not inconsistent therewith as will further the interests of the Union and its members directly or indirectly.
It is recognized that the problems which this labor organization is accustomed to dealing with are not limited to organization and collective bargaining alone, but encompass a broad spectrum of economic and social objectives as herein set forth and as the Union may determine from time to time.
We, therefore, determine and assert that the participation of this labor organization in the pursuit and attainment of the objectives herein set forth are for the sole benefit to the Union and its members.
Article IV – Authority of Constitution
This Constitution, and as may hereafter be amended, shall be the supreme law of the Dearborn Federation of School Employees, AFT Local 4750. This Constitution, except relating to business procedures, cannot be suspended.
Article V – Amendments to Constitution
Section 1. The Constitution may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members voting at a Special Constitution Meetings provided the following steps have been completed.
a. In each publication of the official Union communication for two months prior to the March meeting and during the months of May and June preceding the September meeting, a notice shall appear stating that during March and September meetings proposed amendments may be introduced.
b. At the March and September meeting, only proposed amendments will be introduced and read to the membership. (Suggestions for amendments will be accepted at any time and held until March or September, whichever is soonest.)
c. A special written notice specifying the proposed amendments and the date, time, and location of the Special Constitution Meeting shall be distributed to the members at least (30) days prior to the Special Meeting.
d. The official Union communication shall also contain the above information.
e. The proposed amendments shall be read at the next regular meeting and the date, time, and location of the Special Constitution Meeting specified.
f. The Special Constitution Meeting shall be held as specified. An Agenda containing the proposed amendments shall be distributed to members attending the meeting.
Section 2. A quorum at a Special Constitution Meeting shall be ten percent (10%) of the membership in good standing as of the previous month.
a. Meeting must convene a quorum.
b. If no quorum, another meeting shall be called and Section 1c through f, of this Article shall apply.
c. If the second Special Constitution Meeting does not convene a quorum, the proposed amendments shall be considered defeated.
Section 3. No other business may be conducted.
Section 4. Amending a proposed amendment may be accomplished by a majority vote, without notice.
a. This amendment must be germane to the original amendment.
b. A modification or substitute amendment cannot increase the rule of charge.
Section 5. A motion to accept or reject the proposed amendments may not be tabled or deferred.
Article VI – Jurisdiction
The Jurisdiction of this Union shall consist of non-instructional, non-administrative employees employed in the Dearborn Public Schools.
Article VII – Membership
Section 1. Eligibility: Membership is open to all non-instructional, non-administrative employees in the Dearborn Public Schools and provided that the applicant is, at the time of application, an actual non-instructional, non-administrative school employee in the Dearborn Public Schools. Membership in the DFSE will begin upon completion of probationary period and as long as dues payments are not in arrears and all other required paperwork returned. No prospective member shall face either voice or secret ballot vote to obtain membership in the DFSE.
Section 2. Application: All applicants seeking membership in the Union shall fill out an official application provided by the Union. All applications thus received shall be acted upon as soon as possible but not later than ninety (90) days from the date of application is received by the Financial Secretary of the Union. The Membership Committee shall, within the above prescribed period, recommend the action to be taken on the membership application to the rank and file at the regularly scheduled Union meeting.
Section 3. Continuing of Honorary Membership: There shall be no continuing of honorary membership in the Union; however, any retired member who has been in good standing at the time of retirement may enjoy the social functions of the Union. They may also attend regular meetings but have no voice, nor vote, nor engage in Union elections; they shall have no rights or benefits other than good fellowship.
Section 4. Honorable Withdrawal:
a. Honorable withdrawal may be granted and cards issued, with copies kept on file, for the following reasons:
(1) National military service and civic leaves – to take effect on date of entering service and to end thirty (30) days after separation.
(2) Personal leave – to take effect at date of leave and to end upon return to work.
(3) Promotion to supervisory or administrative staff – effective from date of promotion.
(4) Layoff because of reduction in staff.
b. Honorable withdrawal may be terminated by the Union for good and sufficient reasons.
c. Upon reinstatement into the Union, there shall be no fee or penalty charge to any member having been granted an honorable withdrawal for reasons covered by Section 4.a. of the article of the Constitution.
Section 6. Voluntary Resignation Reinstatement: Any member seeking reinstatement after he/she has voluntarily resigned his/her membership in the Union shall be reinstated without penalty.
Article VIII – Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Union shall be held on the second Thursday of each month, September through June. The starting time of said meeting shall be 6:30 p.m. When necessary, the DFSE Executive Board may change the date and/or time and shall give thirty (30) days notice to the membership. Notification to members shall be by paper and electronically.
Section 2. Annual Meetings: the regular meeting in December shall be known as the “Annual Meeting” and shall be for the purpose of receiving election returns and reports of officers and committees and for any other business that may arise.
Section 3. Special Meeting: Special meetings may be called by the President or the Executive Board or fifty (50) members in good standing of the Union, may at any time request a special meeting by filing a request with the President of the Union.
Which request shall name a date for the meeting which shall not be sooner than ten (10) days subsequent to the date of filing, and stating business to be considered. No other business is to be considered except that which is stated on the agenda for the special meeting being called and the President shall notify the membership of the agenda.
Any voting done at Special Meetings may be done by written ballot.
Section 4. Quorum of Meetings:
a. A quorum at regular meetings shall be twenty-five (25) members in good standing. If a quorum is not met, the meeting will continue without any voting.
b. A quorum at the Annual Meeting and Special Meetings shall be ten percent (10%) of the membership in good standing as of the previous month.
c. Special and Annual Meetings must convene a quorum.
Section 5. Ratification Meeting: Upon completion of negotiations for a new contract, copies of the tentative agreement shall be made available to all members of the bargaining unit at least 24 hours before the beginning of the meeting to vote on ratification of the proposed agreement.
a. Before a contract shall be ratified, it must have approval of a majority of the members present at a special meeting.
b. In the case of a strike, no member shall go back to work until the agreement settling the strike is ratified at a special ratification meeting.
Section 6. Order of Business:
(1) Roll call of officers
(2) Reading of the minutes of preceding meeting
(3) Reading of communications
(4) Report of Treasurer
(5) Reports of committees
(6) Unfinished business
(7) New business
(8) Good and welfare
(9) Adjournment.
Article IX – Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance shall govern the Union in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution of the Dearborn Federation of School Employees, AFT Local 4750.
Article X – Revenue
Section 1. Dues: The revenue of the Union shall be derived from dues which shall be paid by each DFSE member based on profiled annual income levels. An automatic pass through will be implemented which may annually increase dues consistent with per capita increases set forth at both state and national levels. Notification of dues shall be communicated to each member each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).
a. Upon a member’s failure to pay said dues, said member shall be considered to be delinquent and the action to be taken shall be determined by the Executive Board.
Section 2. New Membership Fee: Each new member shall be required to pay twenty dollars ($20) New Membership Fee, payable upon completion of probationary period.
Section 3. Assessments: Duly authorized assessments shall be made by the membership as needed. The membership shall be informed of the proposed assessments in writing twenty-one (21) days prior to the regular meeting.
Article XI – Officers
Section 1. Officers: the officers of the Union shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, a Financial Secretary, three (3) Trustees, and a Sergeant-at-Arms. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 2. Officer’s Eligibility: To be eligible for office in the Union, a person shall be a member in good standing for a period of one (1) working year.
Section 3. If during the term of Office of the President, the position is vacated or the President becomes unable to perform his/her duties, the Vice President shall fill said vacancy until such time as the President is once again able to perform his/her duties. All other offices in the Union, when vacated during their term, shall be filled for the remainder of their term by a majority vote of the Executive Board acting upon a recommendation by the President.
Article XII – Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 1. Term: Officers of the Union shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and installed.
Section 2. Nomination: Nomination for officers shall take place at the regular meeting in the month of November every other year.
a. Notification that nominations are to be held shall be by the official monthly Union publication.
b. Said notification shall inform the membership of the time and place that nominations are to be held.
Section 3. Rules and Procedures for Nomination:
a. The President shall call for nominations for each office individually.
b. All nominations must be made by voice from the floor of the meeting held for nominations, and only those members in good standing shall have the right to nominate.
c. All nominated candidates must, at the time of their nomination, indicate their acceptance or refusal of said nomination. Failure to do so at the nomination meeting shall be considered a rejection of said nomination.
d. No candidate shall be eligible to run for more than one (1) elected office in any one (1) election.
Section 4. Election: Election day shall be the second Thursday in the month of December of an election year.
a. Where there is more than one (1) candidate for any office, the election shall be by secret ballot.
b. The Election Committee shall, through the official Union communication, inform the membership where the election will be held.
c. The election polls shall be open from 12:00 noon until 8:00 pm
d. No votes shall be counted which are cast prior to the opening of the polls or subsequent to the closing of the polls.
e. In order for a candidate to be elected, he/she must receive at least one (1) more vote than any other candidate receives for the same office
f. In the event of a tie, a run-off for that office will be held the next regular meeting day between the two (2) highest vote-getting candidates.
g. In the event a candidate dies, his/her name shall not be removed from the ballot. In the event the deceased candidate shall win an election, Article XI, Section 3 of this Constitution shall apply for filling said vacancy of office
h. Write-in and/or sticker candidate shall not be legal, and any vote cast for write-in and/or sticker candidates shall be considered void and not computed for any reason whatsoever.
i. Absentee Ballots will be provided to members in good standing who request them not later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the Election Day; eligible to receive absentee ballots are only those members who are off work due to an illness, injury, temporary layoff, or vacation. Said Absentee Ballots, in order to be counted in the voting, must be sent by mail or brought to the Union office to the attention of the Election Committee and must be postmarked at least twentyfour (24) hours prior to the day of election.
Article XIII – Installation of Officers
Section 1. Installation of officers shall be on the second Thursday in the month of January at the first regular meeting following the election. Their term of office shall run for twentyfour (24) consecutive months.
Section 2. Before taking office, all officers to be installed shall stand and raise their right hands, place their left hands over their hearts, pronounce their name when installing officer so instructs, and repeat after the installing officer the following pledge:
“In the presence of Almighty God and the members here assembled, I (give name in full) do solemnly promise and pledge that I shall, to the best of my ability, preserve, and defend the Constitution, By-Laws, the Union and its members against injustice, malice, and persecution, so help my God.”
Article XIV – Duties and Powers of the President
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at meetings of the Union and the Executive Board, to preserve order therein, to enforce the Constitution, By-Laws, and the Rules of Order of the Union, and to see that all duties are performed by all other officers. He/she shall have the right to serve on all committees and shall perform duties incident to the office of the President and such other duties as may be associated by the Executive Board or the membership from time to time.
Section 2. The President shall decide all questions of order, subject to appeal to the membership if a valid objection has been taken by an interested member, which appeal shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present and voting.
Section 3. The President shall also have the right to vote in the election of officers; shall cast the deciding vote in the event a tie occurs on any question; shall announce the results of all fines and penalties; and shall have the power to call special meetings.
Section 4. The President, together with the Treasurer, shall have the authority to sign all the official documents, including but not limited to deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts; and further, to sign checks on bank accounts; to disburse or order the disbursement of all monies necessary to pay the bills, obligations, and indebtedness of the Union, including such amounts which, in the joint judgment of the President and Treasurer, will further the best interest of the Union and its members, subject to approval and ratification of the membership of the Union.
Section 5. Further, the President shall perform such duties as required by law, Constitution and By-laws of the Union or the Executive Board may direct or require.
Section 6. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Union, in general shall supervise, conduct, and administer the business of the Union, including without limit, the right to appoint members of the Union to serve on committees and chair and administer such committees he/she deems necessary.
Article XV – Duties and Powers of the Vice President
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside at the meetings in the absence of the President and exercise all the powers and duties of the President in the event he/she is unable to perform these powers and duties.
Section 2. The Vice President shall perform such duties and render such assistance as may be directed by the President.
Section 3. The Vice President shall be the chairperson of the Grievance Committee.
Article XVI – Duties and Powers of the Recording Secretary
Section 1. The Recording Secretary shall take minutes of the Executive Board meetings, regular meetings and special meetings of the membership. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, the President shall appoint a Recording Secretary pro-tem. An accurate file shall be kept of all minutes taken.
Section 2. Further, the Recording Secretary shall have charge of all correspondence of the Union and other documents as directed by the President, Executive Board, membership, or by law.
Section 3. The Recording Secretary shall keep attendance records of all officers at the Executive Board meetings, regular meetings, and special meetings; and submit a copy of this record to the Treasurer before the stipends are disbursed.
Article XVII – Duties and Powers of the Treasurer
Section 1. The Treasurer, together with the President, shall have authority to sign all official documents; to sign checks or bank accounts; to disburse or order the disbursement of all monies necessary to pay bills, obligations, and indebtedness of the Union including such amounts, which, in the judgment of the President and the Treasurer, further the best interest of the Union and members, subject to the approval or ratification of the membership of the Union.
Section 2. Further, the Treasurer shall keep complete records of all disbursements and receipts, and shall make a financial report monthly at each regular meeting, except during the months of July and August.
Article XVIII – Duties and Powers of the Financial Secretary
Section 1. The Financial Secretary shall assist the Treasurer and perform such duties as imposed upon that office by law, Constitution, By-Laws, Executive Board, President, and the membership.
Section 2. The Financial Secretary shall keep an account list of the active members and submit this list to the Payroll Office for the purpose of payroll deductions.
Section 3. The Financial Secretary shall keep a voucher system and keep a receipt record from the Treasurer of all monies collected from fines, dues, and other sources and monies expended.
Article XIX – Duties and Powers of the Trustees
Section 1. The senior Trustee shall be the one with the greatest plurality of votes at the election.
Section 2. Trustees shall audit all accounts receivable and disbursements, every September and March and shall make a report to the membership.
Section 3. Trustees shall provide for an audit once a year by an accountant or a certified public accountant (C.P.A.).
Section 4. It shall also be the duty of the Trustees to see that all officers and members who handle Union funds are suitably bonded.
Section 5. Trustees shall take an inventory of all Union properties and assets, exclusive of monies, and report its findings to the membership at the annual meeting.
Section 6. Trustees shall see that all Union properties shall be accounted for at all times.
Section 7. Trustees shall see that all original documents, books, and properties, as far as physically possible, remain in the Union office.
Article XX – Duties and Powers of the Sergeant-at-Arms
Section 1. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall have charge of the door and shall admit only the members in good standing and shall check membership cards, including the Executive Board. He/she shall admit persons as designated by the President and report all persons not covered by this Article.
Section 2. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be responsible for the orderly conduct at all meetings and carry out the orders of the President.
Section 3. The Sergeant-at-Arms will attend all social functions of the Union and aid the committee chairperson of each function to maintain proper order.
Section 4. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall also take charge of all property of the Union not otherwise provided for and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President.
Article XXI – Duties and Powers of the Executive Board
Section 1. Any Executive Board member attending conferences, workshops, or similar activities will report orally on their Union related activities to the membership at the next General Membership meeting.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall approve all committees of the Union, except where otherwise provided in the Constitution and the By-Laws of the Union.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall provide for the employment and payment of an attorney and such other special or expert services as may be required for by the Union or required by law.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall initiate, settle, arbitrate, or release, pay the expense and cost of, any legal proceeding or action of any nature on behalf of the Union, its officer, members, and its employees, if in its judgment it shall be necessary and desirable to protect, preserve, and advance the interest of the Union.
Section 5. The Executive Board shall transact all business and manage and direct the affairs of the Union between meetings of the membership except as may otherwise be herein provided for.
Section 7. The Executive Board shall designate any elected officer for the purpose of signing checks to pay bills in the event the President and/or Treasurer shall become ill or unable to perform his/her duties.
Section 8. It shall be the duty and the responsibility of all the Executive Board to be present at least eighty percent (80%) of the time at Executive Board meetings, regular meetings, and special meetings. The Recording Secretary will keep a strict record of absences and reason for same.
Article XXII – Executive Board Meetings
Section 1. The President shall have the power to call an Executive Board Meeting whenever he/she deems it necessary. The majority of the Executive Board may call a board meeting upon written request to the President.
Section 2. Should any urgent matters arise that require approval of the Executive Board, the President may poll the members of the Board by email or telephone. Such action taken by the President shall have the same effect as if the Board were in formal session.
Section 3. A quorum shall consist of five (5) members of the Executive Board.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall meet at least twice a month for business meetings.
Article XXIII – Committees
Section 1. There shall be eight (8) standing committees of the Union which are as follows: Advisory, Bargaining, Budget, Constitutional Amendment, Election, Grievance, Retirement/RCC, and Safety.
Section 2. Other committees may be established by the Executive Board from time to time as need exists, without Constitutional amendment.
Article XXIV – Bonding
Section 1. To the extent required by law, every officer, agent, employee, or other representative of the Union shall be suitably bonded.
Article XXV – Liability
Section 1. No agreement or contract shall be binding upon the Union unless executed and delivered by its duly authorized officers.
Section 2. The Executive Board must provide suitable liability insurance for all Union functions.
Article XXVI – Expenses and Benefits
Section 1. When a representative of the Union is engaged in an activity for the interest of or for the benefit of the Union and its members, the Union may pay the expenses incurred therein or reimburse the representative upon receipt of itemized vouchers from the representative or the supplier of such services as it may be determined by the President or the Executive Board.
Article XXVII – Official Publication
Section 1. There shall be published at least once a month an official Union communication designed to educate and acquaint the membership with activities of the Union.
Article XXVIII – Convention Delegates
Section 1. This Federation shall maintain affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers, Michigan; the Michigan Federation of Teachers and School Related Personnel; and the AFL-CIO; and, whenever possible, attend the following conventions:
American Federation of Teachers Bi-Annual Convention
Michigan Federation of Teachers and School Related Personnel Bi-Annual Convention
Michigan AFL-CIO Bi-Annual Convention
AFL-CIO Convention
Section 2. The delegation shall include the President; if the President is unable to attend, the President shall appoint a member of the Executive Board or a member in good standing as a replacement. All delegates and two (2) alternates to any convention shall be nominated (written or verbal nominations will be accepted), at a General Membership meeting.
The nomination and election of delegates and alternates shall be conducted in the following manner:
All nominees shall announce their acceptance or their refusal at the time of nomination, specifying either delegate or alternate. A member may be nominated as a candidate for more than one convention.
The election date for delegates and alternates shall be mailed to each member fifteen (15) days preceding the election. Said election shall be held from noon until one (1) hour preceding the General Membership meeting at the DFSE Union Office. Continued voting will last through the end of the General Membership meeting.
Elections for delegates and alternates must be by secret ballot. In the event of a tie vote, a run-off election shall be held immediately following the election results. Absentee ballots shall not be considered legal.
Section 4. All delegates shall present a written or oral report to the Executive Board on the meetings attended, within one (1) month of the convention.
Section 5. Every reasonable effort shall be made by this Federation to pay legitimate documented expenses of delegates to meetings and conventions of affiliated organizations, including transportation and meals.
Saving Clause
If any Article and/or Section of this Constitution shall be declared invalid or inoperative by any competent authority of the legislative, executive, judicial, or administrative branch of Federal or State government, the Executive Board shall have the authority to suspend the operation of such Article and/or Section during the period of its invalidity and to substitute objections to its validity and which will be in accord with the intent and purpose of the invalid provision. If any Article and/or Section of the Constitution should be held invalid by operation of law or by any tribunal or competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Constitution or the application of such Article and/or Section to persons or circumstances other than those to which it has been held invalid shall not be affected thereby.
Article 1 – Establishment of the By-Laws
When a By-Law is appended to this Constitution, it shall become a permanent rule for the conduct of the business of DFSE, Local 4750.
Article 2 – Amendments to the By-Laws
Section 1. Proposed amendments to the By-Laws of this Constitution may be initiated by a majority vote of the Executive Board or by petition of at least ten percent (10%) of the total General Membership in good standing. These signatures shall represent not fewer than twenty percent (20%) of the schools. Proposed changes must be submitted in writing to the Union President.
Section 2. At least one (1) week prior to the vote, the President shall provide the General Membership with written notification of the exact wording of the amendment(s) and of the date(s), the time(s), and the place(s) of voting.
Section 3. The vote on the amendment(s) shall be included as an agenda item at that meeting, prior to the voting.
Section 4. Voting on the proposed amendment(s) shall be conducted by the Election Committee in accordance with the voting procedures established in the By-Laws. However, only General Members shall be allowed to vote.
Section 5. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for passage of the proposed amendment(s).
Article 3 – Elections, Procedures, and Responsibilities
Section 1.
a. The Election Committee shall, through the official Union Communication, inform the Membership where the election will be held. Election Day shall be the second Thursday in the month of December during an election year.
b. The election polls shall be open from noon until 8:00 p.m. No votes shall be counted which are cast prior to the opening of the polls or to the subsequent closing of the polls.
c. Absentee ballots will be provided to members in good standing who request them no later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the Election Day. Eligible to receive absentee ballots are only those members who are off work due to an illness, injury, or vacation. Said absentee ballots in order to be counted in the voting, must be sent by certified receipt mail to the attention of the Election Committee at the official Union office and must be postmarked at least twentyfour (24) hours prior to the day of election.
d. In order for a candidate to be elected, he/she must receive at least one (1) more vote than any other candidate receives for the same office. In the event of a tie vote, a run-off for that office will be held at the next regular meeting between the two (2) \highest vote getting candidates. In the event a candidate expires his/her name shall not be removed from the ballot. In the event the deceased candidate shall win an election, Article XI, Section 3 of this Constitution shall apply for filing said vacancy of office. Write-in and/or sticker candidate(s) shall not be legal and any vote cast for write-in and/or sticker candidate(s) shall be considered void and not computed for any reason whatsoever.
Section 2. Ballot Security and Fair Elections Practices
a. The Election Committee shall obtain and provide a list of General Members in good standing. The Election Committee shall check off all voters at the polling location.
b. Voting shall be by secret ballot.
c. The Election Committee shall:
(1) Adopt and publicize fair campaign rules, which shall be subject to amendment by the Membership.
(2) Count all ballots; certify and forward the results to the Executive Board as soon as possible
(3) Such ballots shall be kept secure in the Union Office in accordance with existing law.
(4) The Election Committee may enlist volunteer DFSE members to count ballots.
Article 4 – Ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement
Section 1. Ratification Meeting: Upon completion of negotiations for a new contract, copies of the tentative agreement shall be made available to all members of the bargaining unit at least twenty-four (24) hours before the beginning of the meeting to vote on ratification of the proposed agreement. Before a contract shall be ratified it must have approval of a majority of the members present at a special ratification meeting.
Article 5 – Sympathy
Section 1. In case of the death of a member or the death of a member of the immediate family, a floral arrangement, not to exceed forty (40) dollars, may be presented. Immediate family to include husband, wife, and children of members and parents. In the event there is more than one (1) member who has lost a member of their immediate family, one (1) donation will be presented.