DFSE 4750 is a very large and diverse group representing approximately 2,000 support staff members!
We want to make sure everyone has easy access to our union information.
No login is required to browse the information on our website.
We are happy to announce that our General Membership meetings will now be held live via Google Meet. Every month, members will get a calendar invitation to join our meetings and contribute as they need/choose to.
Unless notified otherwise, our meetings are the second Thursday of each month and will always start at 6:30 p.m., lasting approximately one hour.
Watch your emails for these invitations, they will come out the first week of each month that our Executive Board is in session.
We look forward to hearing from you at our future meetings!
Dearborn Public Schools is hiring! Spread the word to your family and friends!
If you know of someone who is looking for employment and would be a good fit, please send them to: https://dearbornschools.org/gethired/
DFSE members support students in many ways. They drive buses, clean buildings, serve lunches, tutor students and supervise on the playground, helping students grow and learn in the Dearborn Public Schools!